Introduction to Materials Selection

An introduction to the principles of materials selection for engineering applications.

The next virtual course will take place on Wednesday 15 October 2025.

We are delighted to be working with experienced trainer Clayton Thomas to offer this one-day short course introducing materials selection.

Materials selection is at the heart of the design and development process for engineering components.  This course offers delegates the opportunity to explore the many factors affecting the choice of materials for a broad range of applications and the large selection of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys that are available.  The knowledge gained from the course will enhance discussions between customers and suppliers and gives a better understanding of the properties of materials and how this influences their uses.

This course is one of nine courses in the IOM3 Metallurgy in Practice suite. 
If you attend this and two of the other courses in the series, you will receive an IOM3 Certificate in Metallurgy in Practice.  
If you attend this and five of the other courses in the series, you will receive the IOM3 Diploma in Metallurgy in Practice.
Book all of your courses at once to receive a discounted rate.

Who should attend the course?

The course is aimed at personnel who work in engineering, production and design and who manufacture or supply engineering components. This includes buyers and salespersons. It will also be a useful introduction to the subject for new starters and graduate engineers.

How is the course structured?

The virtual course covers:

  1. Principles of materials selection
    Material properties
    Design and fabrication
  2. Processing and properties
    Heat treatment and alloying
    Mechanical properties – strength, toughness, hardness
    Corrosion resistance
    Product forms – castings and forgings
  3. Ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
    Low alloy and stainless steels
    Commonly used grades and applications
  4. Material selection for specific applications
    Strength and toughness
    Weldability, repair and machinability
    Surface treatments, such as case hardening and nitriding
    Surface coatings, such as plating

By the end of the course what will I have learnt?

  • Understand the key factors affecting materials selection for engineering applications.
  • Appreciate the effects of processing on materials properties.
  • Understand the range of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys available.
  • Awareness of the broader issues affecting materials selection.

How much does the course cost?

The fee for this one day course is £570 +VAT at 20% where applicable.  IOM3 members and subscribers to our Business Partner Programme are entitled to a discount of 10% on the course fee. 

A special rate of £99 is availble to Student & Early Career members of IOM3.


 Register to attend the next course

Virtual course using Zoom
9:30am to 4:30pm, Wednesday 15 October



Find out more and register to complete the IOM3 Certificate in Metallurgy in Practice



Find out more and register to complete the IOM3 Diploma in Metallurgy in Practice


Your trainer - Dr Clayton Thomas MMet ARSM MICorr

Clayton studied metallurgy at Imperial College and gained a PhD from the University of Sheffield looking at offshore corrosion fatigue.  After working for British Steel Technical as a metallurgical investigator and then corrosion test laboratory manager, he joined Cameron (now called One Subsea) in 1990.  He eventually became senior metallurgist and worked on major topside and offshore projects for operators such as BP, Shell,  AGIP, Total, and Conoco. He also had responsibility for the material selection and corrosion prevention for topside and subsea projects and for the metallurgy and welding of equipment including wellheads, BOPs, flowlines, choke valves, risers, manifolds, Christmas trees and associated items.
Since 2000 Clayton has been director of Lloyd-Thomas Consultancy Ltd, providing metallurgical support and training. He has continued to work in oil and gas as well as other engineering sectors, such as power engineering, aerospace and biomedical, has carried out numerous failures investigations and has acted as an expert witness in litigation cases.
He has run over 250 metallurgy courses on various aspects of metallurgy and has been working with IOM3 since 2020.


​Find out more about the other courses in the Metallurgy in Practice Suite...

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Introduction to Corrosion & Its Prevention

Focussing on the fundamentals of corrosion and how it can be prevented

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Fracture and Fatigue Failure Analysis

One-day course exploring factors affecting failure modes and an introduction to failure analysis.

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Introduction to Oilfield Metallurgy

Specialist metallurgical training for those working in the oil and gas sectors

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Introduction to Mechanical Testing

An introduction to the principles of testing and its importance

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Engineering Metallurgy

A one-day course exploring the basic concepts of metallurgy


Understanding Material Certificates

One-day course exploring what to look for and how to evaluate deviations from a material specification


Introduction to Stainless Steels

One-day course exploring the metallurgy and application of stainless steels


Introduction to Ferrous Metallurgy

One-day course focussing on the manufacture, fabrication and metallurgy of steels and cast irons

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