2022 YPWLC final

* time zone = GMT

The winners of the national finals of the Young Person's Lecture Competition, held in regions where IOM3 has international branches or sister institutions, compete in the world final. The first YPWLC was held in London in 2005, and since then has travelled to different locations in four continents. The event has been held online since 2020.

The finalists from around the world will give a 15 minute presentation on a technical topic of their choice and then answer questions from the judging panel.

2022 YPWLC finalists

Rathosivan Gopal

Winner - Malaysia

Rathosivan Gopal

Lauren Eggleton

2nd place - UK

Lauren Eggleton

Kate Fraser

3rd place - Canada

Kate Fraser

Shane de Beer

South Africa

Shane de Beer

Tianyi Li


Tianyi Li

Danning Li

Hong Kong

Danning Li


12:00 Login
12:10 Welcome & introductions
12:15 Lauren Eggleton, UK
  A sticky situation: The contradictory material properties of snail mucus
12:35 Shane de Beer, South Africa
  Overcoming limitations on computational adsorption modelling for flexible materials
12:55 Kate Fraser, Canada
  Plastics for renewable energy devices
13:15 Break
13:25 Tianyi Li, China
  MXene/rGO@PI aerogel with excellent EMI shielding performance
13:45 Danning Li, Hong Kong
  Investigation on the aging mechanism of asphalt rubber binder prepared with waste tire rubber
14:05 Rathosivan Gopal, Malaysia
  Immobilisation of factor VII through polydopamine grafting of polycaprolactone membrane for cardiac bleeding
14:25 Networking, Q&A with the finalists
15:00 Results
15:15 End

* time zone = GMT

Judging panel

Mr Neil Glover FREng CEng FIMMM

President 2021-2022

Mr Neil Glover FREng CEng FIMMM

Dr Kate Thornton CEng CSci FIMMM

President 2023-2024

Dr Kate Thornton CEng CSci FIMMM

Dr Aimee Goodall CEng CSci FIMMM

Dr Aimee Goodall CEng CSci FIMMM

Chair, SECC (2022-23)

Event co-ordinator