The Institute congratulates the winners of the 2024 IOM3 Awards & Prizes as listed below. The awards were presented at the 2024 IOM3 Awards Day on Thursday 5 December.
Contribution to the Institute & Affiliated Local Societies Awards

IOM3 International Medal
Prof Marcel Van De Voorde FIMMM

Outstanding Contribution Award for EDI (joint)
EUR ING Dawn Bonfield MBE FREng CEng FIMMM

Outstanding Contribution Award for EDI (joint)
Dr Cathryn MacCallum CEnv FIMMM

Sir Andrew Bryan Medal
William Tinsley CEng FIMMM

T B Marsden Professional Medal
Prof James Busfield FREng CEng FIMMM

Local Society of the Year Award
EMMS (East Midlands Materials Society)
Contribution to Knowledge

Gold Medal
Dr Gareth Hinds FREng CEng FIMMM

Medal for Excellence
NUSINC led by Prof Richard Spontak FIMMM

Platinum Medal (joint)
Prof Sir Andre Geim

Platinum Medal (joint)
Prof Sir Konstantin Novoselov FRS

Silver Medal
Dr Matthew Wadge MIMMM
The Henry Royce Institute Award for Innovation by a Technical Professional
Dr Peter Karstev Petrov (Principal Research Scientist & Royce Technology Platform Lead, Imperial College, London)
The Henry Royce Institute for Outstanding Contribution by a Technical Professional
Dr Penelope Rathbone CEng FIMMM (Senior Technical Manager, Sellafield Ltd)
Technical Specific Awards
2023 Harvey Flower Titanium Prize (Retrospective)
Mr Nigel Martin CEng FIMMM (Technical Specialist – Titanium, Rolls-Royce plc)
Award for Innovation in Defence, Safety & Security Materials
Dr Nicholas Bazin FIMMM CChem CSci MRSC (Principal Scientist – Materials & Analytical Science, AWE)
Bessemer Gold Medal
Prof Mark Rainforth FREng CEng FIMMM (POSCO Professor of Iron & Steel, University of Sheffield)
Chapman Medal
Prof David Jones FREng CEng FIMMM (Pharmaceutical & Biomaterial Engineering Professor, School of Pharmacy, Queen’s University Belfast)
Frank Fitzgerald Medal & Travel Grant
David A Thomson MIMMM (Rolls-Royce plc)
Frank Paine Packaging Award
Anne Emblem (Retired Packaging Professional, Educator & Author)
Hancock Medal
Pulikaparambil Kochaidrew Mohamed (Chief Advisor, R&D Asia - Apollo Tyres Ltd)
Hadfield Medal
Dr Martin Brunnock CEng FIMMM (Director, Public Affairs, Tata Steel)
Leslie Holliday Prize
Frazer J Barnes (Chairman & CTO, Gen2Carbon)
Stokowiec Medal
Stephen Phillips (Technical Director, Sheffield Forgemasters)
Swinburne Medal
Prof Michael Shaver FIMMM FRSC (Polestar/Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Sustainable Automotive Polymers)
Thomas Medal
Stephen Thornton (Scientific Fellow - Data Science & Analytics, Tata Steel)
Thornton Medal
The historical importance of Artificial Ground Freezing (AGF) in deep mine development | 11 International Symposium on Ground Freezing (London, UK)
Dr Frederick Auld FIMMM (Retired Consultant)
Tom Bell Surface Engineering Medal
Prof Ping Xiao CEng FIMMM (Research Chair in Advanced Coating Technology, University of Manchester)
Tom Colclough Medal
Prof Eric Palmiere CEng FIMMM (Professor of Metallurgy, University of Sheffield)
Verulam Medal
Dr Finn Giuliani MIMMM (Professor, Imperial College London)
Publication Awards
2023 Vanadium Award (Retrospective)
Evolution of the microstructure and mechanical properties of a V-containing microalloyed steel during coiling
Chen Gu, Colin Scott, Fateh Fazeli, Michael J Gaudet, Jing Su, Xiang Wang, Nabil Bassim & Hatem Zurob
Adrian Normanton Medal
Influence of heat flux difference between wide and narrow face in continuous casting mould on unevenness of hypo-peritectic steel solidification at off-corner
Dr Kohei Furumai, Dr Norich Aramaki & Dr Katsunari Oikawa
Alan Glanvill Award
Effect of Zn-nanoHA concentration on the mechanical performance and bioactivity of 3D printed PEEK composites for craniofacial implants
Dr Faisal Manzoor, Dr Atefeh Golbanga, Prof Alistair Mcllhagger, Prof Eileen Harkin-Jones, Dr Daniel Crawford, Elena Mancuso
Composite Award
Energy efficient out-of-oven manufacturing of natural fibre composites with integrated sensing capabilities and improved water barrier properties
Yushen Wang, Xudan Yao, Thomas D S Thorn, Shanshan Huo, Harshit Porwal, Mark Newton, Yi Liu, Dimitrios Papageorgiou, Emiliano Bilotti & Han Zhang
Guy Bengough Award
Monitoring corrosion rates with ER-probes: A critical assessment based on experiments and numerical modelling
Dr Federico Martinelli-Orlando & Prof Ueli Angst
James S Walker Award
Advanced Polymer Nanocomposites for Potential Sensing Applications
Ciaran Duffy (Queen’s University Belfast)
Mann Redmayne Medal C
Upgrading a Brahmaputra River sand from northern Bangladesh by flotation to produce a high-grade silica glass sand concentrate
Dr Md Aminur Rahman, Kevin J Davey, Graeme W Heyes, Warren J Bruckard, Graham J Sparrow, Dr Mark I Pownceby, James Tardio & Md Nazim Zaman
Materials World Medal
The sixth sense
Prof Sohini Kar-Narayan FIMMM (Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy University of Cambridge) & Dr Jehangir Cama (ArtioSense Ltd)
Pfeil Award
Highly wear resistant dual-phase (Ti-Zt-Nb-Hf-Ta)C/(Ti-Zr-Nb-Hf-Ta) B2 high-entropy ceramics
Annamária Naughton-Duszová, Dávid Medveď, Lenka Ďaková, Alexandra Kovalčíková, Peter Švec, Peter Tatarko, Hakan Ünsal, Pavol Hvizdoš, Pavol Šajgalík & Ján Dusza
Williams Award
CFD modelling of the off-gas system of HIsarna iron making process. Part 1: Model development using detailed reaction mechanism for post-combustion of CO-H2 mixture and carbon particles
Dr Ashkan Hosseini, Vinod Dhiman, Koen Meijer, Christiaan Zeilstra, Johannes Hage, Tim Peeters, Erik Offerman & Yongxiang Yang
Awards from other bodies
Beilby Medal & Prize
Dr Robert Hoye CEng CSci FIMMM (Associate Professor & RAEng Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford)
Charles Hatchett Award
Electrochemically induced amorphous-to-rock-salt phase transformation in niobium oxide electrode for Li-ion batteries
Pete Barnes, Yunxing Zuo, Kiev Dixon, Dewen Hou, Sungsik Lee, Zhiyuan Ma, Justin G Connell, Hua Zhou, Changjian Deng, Kassiopeia Smith, Eric Gabriel, Yuzi Liu, Olivia O Maryon, Paul H Davis, Haoyu Zhu, Yingge Du, Ji Qi, Zhuoying Zhu, Chi Chen, Zihua Zhu, Radong Zhou, Paul J Simmonds, Ariel E Briggs, Darin Schwartz, Shyue Ping Ong & Hui Xiong