In a time of incredible and prolonged change, more and more businesses are having to rethink how they communicate with stakeholder groups. Some businesses are pivoting successfully or continuing to supply essential products and services, others are planning for life and business in a new normal.
This is the perfect time to review what you do, why you do it, who you do it for and how you demonstrate your expertise and get them interested.
In order to help our members do this as efficiently and effectively as possible, we’ve put together a very special, view-on-demand, marketing training programme that has been built to ensure you get maximum results from new or re-focused marketing communications.
You can access the programme on an individual session-by-session basis or by buying a full-course pass.
Who are the marketing essentials sessions aimed at?
These sessions are aimed at commercial personnel in member organisations who are responsible for sales, marketing, customer relationships and external communications. All levels involved in these roles will benefit as the course focuses on positioning expertise to attract the right ideal customers.
Attendees will ideally be operating in, or oversee colleagues in a hands-on marketing role as the suite of sessions covers a number of areas relevant to business marketing.
How is the course structured?
The course features nine sessions on different topics relating to marketing.
1. Targeting - Who really is your ideal customer and what do they need?
- Building target customer profiles
- Sources of information
- The behaviour and attitudes of target customers
2. Making your web(site) presence work harder and more effectively
- Setting clear website objectives
- Reviewing first impressions
- Improving navigation and visitor experience
- Putting a content strategy in place
- Introducing compelling calls to action
3. Humanising your brand - telling better stories and sharing experiences
- Objectives – Establishing a mission and value.
- Curation
- Creation
- Empowering employees
- Crowdsourcing
4. Improving your written marketing communications - focus on blogging, articles and PR
- Objectives – The art of written digital communication
- Blogging
- Articles
- PR
- Social media posting
5. Creating lead magnets to attract key target audiences
- Objectives – Who are we looking to attract?
- What problems do they have?
- Outlines and writing ‘fast’
- Designing with templates
- Landing pages and launching
6. Making email work harder with workflows and nurture sequences
- Setting email objectives lead magnet objectives
- Using email strategically and tactically
- Emailing when you have something to say
- Setting up nurtures around lead magnets and offers (live walkthrough using MailChimp)
7. Introducing authentic video into your business
- Objectives of video
- Types of video
- Simple scripts and storyboards
8. Using webinars and online training in the sales nurture process
- Objectives
- Content / structure
- Platforms
- Promotion
How much does it cost?
The fee for the individual sessions is £45 (+VAT at 20% where applicable); alternatively you may wish to buy a full course pass, which includes the 8 main sessions and the bonus session on Positioning Expertise using LinkedIn for £250 (+VAT at 20% where applicable).
IOM3 members and subscribers to Module 2 of our Business Partner Programme are entitled to a discount of 10% on the course fee.
Bespoke team options are available by contacting [email protected]