IOM3 Certificate in Management
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Many of our courses are available in the classroom, in your workplace or online and a number lead to recognised qualifications from PIABC. If you would like to discuss how we can support you and your colleagues in developing your knowledge of this fast-paced field please get in touch.
An introduction to the industry for those starting out on an exciting career in packaging
GranthamAn in-depth exploration of all things packaging for those wishing to deepen their practice
Virtual & independent study
Exploring the context, principles, influences & considerations of designing, specifying & selecting more circular packaging
Grantham & virtualLearn at a time and pace to suit you with our online and distance learning courses.
You can choose to start these at anytime throughout the year.
Online short course focussing on the use of glass in the packaging industry
OnlineOnline short course focussing on the use of polymers in the packaging industry
OnlineOnline short course focussing on the use of metals in the packaging industry
OnlineEntry level course introducing key concepts in the packaging industry
OnlineA distance learning course for those starting out on an exciting career in packaging.
OnlineAn in-depth exploration of the materials & components used in packaging
OnlineEQIPT training for those wishing to audit against the BRCGS for Food Packaging Materials Issue 6
OnlineFor packaging materials auditors that have experience of the industry but not a recognised packaging qualification
Distance LearningFor those wishing to study additional assignments as part of the full EQIPT programme or the EQIPT Benchmarking service.
Distance Learning
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... or how to big yourself up at work! One-day course exploring how to take your career to the next level
A one-day course focussing on how to develop sustainability in your workforce
A one-day course focussing on how you can become and effective coach or mentor
Short course exploring how we can overcome unconscious bias and embrace equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace