Application to become Quality Assured & PD Approved


Thank you for seeking recognition through the IOM3 Approved Service.

Please complete for the following forms in as much detail as you can.  We recommend reading through the forms and making sure you have all the relevant information and documents to hand before you start to complete them.  This is a substantial submission and you will not be able to save your progress; please allow yourself plenty of time without disturbance to complete it.

If you are having trouble completing these forms please get in touch.

There are three parts to the application to become Quality Assured and PD Approved by IOM3:

  1. About the applicant and training provider
  2. About your management systems, resources and support for learners
  3. About your courses

You can submit each part individually, but we need all three parts to be able to assess your submission.


Part 1

1.1  About the Applicant

1.2  About your Organisation

1.3  About your application

Our Quality Assured and PD Approved service offers three options:

  • Option 1 - Quality Assurance of your training provision and PD Approval of up to three courses for three years, £1615.  PD Approval of additional courses for three years:  1-3 £350 each, 4-6 £335 each, 7+ POA
  • Option 2 - Quality Assurance of your training provision for three years, £1300.  PD Approval of courses for one year:  1-3 £175 each, 4-6 £158 each, 7+ POA
  • Option 3 - Quality Assurance of your training provision and PD Approval of one course for one year, £645.  PD Approval of additional courses for one year:  1-3 £175 each, 4-6 £158 each, 7+ POA

1.4  Final checks

Please check the information you have provided thoroughly and ensure that the form is complete.  Failure to submit the information requested may result in your application being rejected.  Once you are satisfied:

  • Read and tick the declaration boxes
  • Confirm you are not a robot
  • Click 'Submit Part 1'
  • Continue to complete Part 2 and Part 3


Part 2

2.1  About your Management Systems

We need to understand the systems you have in place to manage the delivery of training.

2.1.1  Management Support
The provider has the support of senior management in the introduction, development and delivery of training programmes.

2.1.2  Policies and Procedures
Applicant has policies and procedures in place, relevant to the size and type of provider, which allow for effective management and delivery of programmes.  Arrangements are in place to ensure that these are followed, monitored, and regularly reviewed.  The expected policies and procedures cover:

  • Assessment (where applicable)
  • Complaints
  • Conflict of interest
  • Equality and diversity for both trainers and learners
  • Health and safety
  • Safeguarding
  • Storage and transmission of sensitve data, including assessment outcomes
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2.1.3  Internal Quality Assurance
Applicant has internal quality assurance procedures that include the recruitment of suitable trainers and their ongoing development, observation of training, review of learners' progress and, where appropriate, analysis of assessment results, and the production of development plans to improve the provision.

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2.2  About your Resources

We need to understand the resources that you have in place to manage the delivery of training.

2.2.1  Physical Resources
Applicant has systems which ensure the resource needs, in terms of equipment, training materials and training venues, are accurately identified, met, and regularly reviewed.  All equipment and venues should comply with relevant health and saftey policies and procedures.

2.2.2  Staff Resources
Provider ensures that staffing needs are identified, met, and regularly reviewed.  Sufficient competent staff are available to deliver training, and assessment (where appropriate).  Trainers have sufficient time, resources and authority to carry out their roles.
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2.2.3  Staff Development
Applicant has systems in place to ensure that the development needs of trainers are regularly and systematically reviewed.  Once any needs are identified, a procedure is put in place to ensure these are met.

2.2.4  Roles and Responsibilities
Applicant has a structure where the roles and responsibilities, authorities and accountabilities for the delivery, quality management and assessment (where appropriate) of training are understood and effectively managed.

2.2.5  Self Assessment
Applicant reguarly reviews the quality of provision and identifies areas for improvement and future development.

2.3  About your Support for Learners

We need to understand how you meet the individual needs of learners and how you monitor and record their progress.

2.3.1  Meeting Needs
Applicant has processes in place to ensure learners are recruited on to appropriate courses and that any additional requirements are identified and accommodated where possible.

2.3.2  Monitoring and recording progress
Applicant provides learners with opportunities to record their progress, check their understanding and request further training.

2.3.3  Recording Completion
Applicant has systems that ensure learner records (including details of participation and completion) are accurate, up to date and stored securely.

2.4  About your Assessment Methods

Where appropriate, please tell us how you assess learners on your programmes.
If you only run short courses with no formal assessment either during or on completion, please progress to the next section, 2.5.

2.4.1  Conducting Assessments
Assessments are carried out by suitably experienced staff whose practice is monitored on a regular basis.

2.4.2  Access to Assessments
Access to assessment is fair for all learners and particular assessment requirements are identified and met where possible.

2.4.3  Verification of Assessments
Internal verification of outcomes is carried out by suitably experienced staff and effectively used to ensure the validity of assessment decisions.

2.5  Final checks

Please check the information you have provided thoroughly, ensure that the form is complete and that you have uploaded the necessary supporting documentation.  Failure to submit the information requested may result in your application being rejected.  Once you are satisfied:

  • Read and tick the declaration boxes
  • Confirm you are not a robot
  • Click 'Submit Part 2'
  • Continue to complete Part 3


Part 3

3.1  About your Courses

Please tell us about the courses that you offer.

3.1.2  Please provide information about all the courses which you would like to carry the 'Quality Assured and PD Approved by IOM3' badge.  For each course you should submit:

  • Promotional literature if the course is open to anyone.  If you are running an internal course, details of how colleagues are made aware and recruited to the course.
  • Course outline/specification detailing what is covered by the course and what you expect learners to be able to do on completion.
  • Sample of your learning materials.  This includes presentations, screenshots of online learning material (such as from Moodle), or any other form of resource that you use.
  • Course evaluation documentation.
  • Where appropriate, sample assessment material.

Three courses are included in the basic Quality Assured and PD Approved package; there is charge for additional courses.  Please provide information about all the courses you wish to be considered here, irrespective of how many this is.

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3.2  Final checks

Please check the information you have provided thoroughly, ensure that the form is complete and that you have uploaded the necessary supporting documentation.  Failure to submit the information requested may result in your application being rejected.  Once you are satisfied:

  • Read and tick the declaration boxes
  • Confirm you are not a robot
  • Click 'Submit Part 3'



Data Protection and Privacy

The Institute will hold and use the data provided here for the purposes of processing and managing your IOM3 Approved application. 

We are committed to protecting your personal data and will process it in compliance with Data Protection law. For more information on how we process and protect your data and your rights under the new General Data Protection Regulation (from 25 May 2018), please see our Privacy Notice at