Grants to Support Knowledge Exchange

Grants to support members in enriching their learning, developing their skills or broadening their experiences.

Grants to Support Knowledge Exchange

Our grants programme has been designed to support students and early career researchers in attending international conferences, participating in field trips, or engaging with exchange programmes for overseas learning/research.

Each year a maximum of three large research grants of 20 up to £500.00 travel awards.

The grants programme is funded by the IOM3 Education & Outreach Trust, a registered charity (number 1201414) created to develop interest, recognise excellence and support professional development across all areas of the materials cycle.


Our grants programme is open to IOM3 Undergraduate and Postgraduate student and Associate members (for a minimum of 12 months prior to application) working within the materials, minerals and mining sector in academia or industry.

Candidates may only apply for a grant once at each stage of their education and preference will be given to those applying for the first time.

What will the grants cover?

Our grants can be used to fund travel and subsistence expenses associated with:

  • attending an international conference where you will be presenting your work either in verbal or poster format
  • participating in a field trip to enrich your research or learning
  • taking part in an exchange programme to allow you to conduct your research in another university, typically in another country

Alternatively, they may be used to fund laboratory, consumable or personal costs associated with carrying out research within the IOM3 sphere of influence that, ideally, contributes towards increasing knowledge around sustainability circularity and the move to net zero.

Grants will not be awarded for the purchase of equipment and evidence must be provided to demonstrate that funding is not available to cover the proposed expenditure elsewhere.

What is the awarding panel looking for?

The awarding panel are looking for applications that enrich the applicants' learning or contribute to the sharing of knowledge (incomplete applications will not be considered).

They will be looking for a detailed breakdown of how the funding will be used and strong support for the activity from the applicants tutor or supervisor.

The application criteria is reviewed on an annual basis.

How to apply

To apply for the grant please complete click on the Enter/Apply button.

This requires:

  • A statement from you explaining why you should be considered for a grant.  This should include, where appropriate:
    • Confirmation that your paper/poster has been accepted for a conference, details of the event and why you will benefit from attending
    • Confirmation of your acceptance on the field trip, details of the activities you will be undertaking and how you will benefit from being involved
    • Confirmation of your acceptance to study/research at another university, details of the course or research you will be undertaking and how this will be of benefit to you
    • Your project plan and how your research will increase knowledge around sustainability circularity and the move to net zero.
    • Where you are planning to travel by air you should include details of how the carbon footprint of your journey will be offset.
  • The amount of funding you are applying for, a detailed budget of how this will be spent and information regarding applications you have made to other funding sources.  Your budget should be broken down, where appropriate, by travel costs, accommodation and subsistence costs, fees, consumables and other expenses.
  • A supporting statement from your tutor/supervisor

When will I know if my application has been successful?

Applications are welcomed throughout the year. Applicants will be notified whether or not they have been successful in receiving funding within 20 working days of the receipt of application. Successful applicants will be advised how much funding has been allocated.

How will the funding be provided?

Funding will be paid through the applicant’s organisation.

For small grants this will be arranged ahead of the proposed activity. For larger grants payment will be made retrospectively upon submission of receipts.