Search IOM3 awards, grants & prizes

The full list of IOM3 awards, medals, prizes and grants searchable by discipline, eligibility, type and career stage

Displaying 50 of 65 results

Adrian Normanton Medal

For the best technical paper on the topic of steelmaking or casting.

Alan Glanvill Award

For published work of particular merit in the field of polymers.

Award for Innovation in Defence, Safety & Security Materials (Not available in 2025)

For innovation in any scientific/technological field supporting materials for defence, safety or security applications.

Beilby Medal & Prize

For substantial work in applied materials science, chemical engineering or a related field.

Bessemer Gold Medal

For outstanding services to the steel industry.

Billiton Gold Medal

For the best paper published in Transactions C: Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy.

Category 4

Best student/apprentice on an IOM3 accredited or certified integrated MEng programme (level 7).

Certificate of Outstanding Service

In recognition of achievement and commitment through an Institute's Affiliated Local Society.

Chapman Medal

For distinguished research in the field of biomedical materials.

Circular Economy

Recognising good practice and innovation towards a more circular economy.

Colwyn Medal

For outstanding services to the rubber industry.

Composite Award

For published work in the field of composites.

Cook/Ablett Award (not available in 2025)

For published work in the field of metals.

Douglas Hay Medal

For the best paper published in Transactions A: Mining Technology.

Dowding Medal & Prize (not available in 2025)

For contributions to the invention, development, design or technical operation of metallurgical plant.

Frank Fitzgerald Medal & Travel Grant

To a student or early career member working in the iron and steel field who has demonstrated excellence in professional development.

Frank Paine Packaging Award (Not available in 2025)

For outstanding contribution to the Packaging community on a global basis.

Gold Medal

For significant contribution in materials, minerals or mining.

Guy Bengough Award

For a paper published by the Institute on the subject of corrosion and degradation.

Hadfield Medal

For distinguished work to metallurgical practice, process/product development, metallurgical understanding or design engineering application of steel.

Hancock Medal (Not available in 2025)

For outstanding service to the rubber industry.

Harvey Flower Titanium Prize (Retrospective)

To established researchers and materials engineers in the field of titanium.

Hume-Rothery Prize (not available in 2025)

For distinguished achievements on phase relationships in metallic/non-metallic materials of metallurgical interest.

Inclusive Practices & Social Responsibility

Recognising an organisation’s commitment to create a diverse and inclusive culture that is centred around equality.

IOM3 Award for Excellence in Advanced Studies

Best student/apprentice on an IOM3 accredited or certified stand alone Level 7 qualification.

IOM3 Award for Excellence in Foundational Learning

Best Student/Apprentice on a Level 2 or Level 3 programme.

IOM3 Award for Excellence in Technical Learning

Best Student/Apprentice on a Level 4 or Level 5 programme.

IOM3 Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Studies

Best student/apprentice on an IOM3 accredited or certified BSc/BEng/integrated MEng programme (level 6/7).

IOM3 International Medal

For substantial services to the Institute internationally.

Ivor Jenkins Medal (not available in 2025)

In recognition of contributions enhancing the understanding of materials processing or component production using particulate materials.

James S Walker Award

For a student project on the subject of polymers.

John Hunt Medal (not available in 2025)

For outstanding contribution to the science and/or technology of casting and solidification of metals.

Kroll Medal & Prize (not available in 2025)

For contribution in the scientific understanding of materials chemistry in industrial production of inorganic materials.

Leslie Holliday Prize

In recognition of significant or technological contribution relating to composite materials.

Local Society of the Year Award

To an Affiliated Local Society with the most improved performance.

Mann Redmayne Medal A

For the best paper published in IMM Transactions A: Mining Technology.

Mann Redmayne Medal B

For the best paper published in IMM Transactions B: Applied Earth Science.

Mann Redmayne Medal C

For the best paper published in IMM Transactions C: Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy.

Materials World Medal

For the best feature or review published during the year within the Institute's member magazines.

Medal for Excellence

For outstanding achievement by a group in materials, minerals or mining.

Outstanding Contribution Award for EDI

In recognition of significant contribution to and/or promotion of equity, diversity and inclusion in IOM3, and the wider materials, minerals and mining communities.

Pfeil Award

For published work of particular merit in the field of ceramics.

Platinum Medal

For outstanding contribution in materials, minerals or mining.

Prince Philip Award

For polymers in the service of mankind.

Robert Perrin Award

For outstanding and sustained commitment to Materials Science outreach.

Rosenhain Medal & Prize (not available in 2025)

In recognition of distinguished achievement in any branch of materials science.

Roy T Holland Award

In recognition of meritorious service in manufacture and technology within the traditional ceramics industry.

Silver Medal

For outstanding contribution in materials, minerals or mining (early career).

Sir Andrew Bryan Medal

For services to the Institute through an Affiliated Local Society and/or to Local Affairs Committee.

Sir Colin Humphreys Education Award

Recognising excellence in enhancing students' literacy in STEM through the teaching of materials, minerals and mining in the 5-18 education sector.

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